Currently under development

الإختبار وتقييم الأداء

اختبار وتقييم أنظمة التصوير بالأشعة تحت الحمراء لا يقل أهمية من التطوير والإنتاج. هناك نوعان من التقنيات لتقييم أنظمة التصوير بالأشعة تحت الحمراء، أحدها يقوم به فنيون قياس أهداف مختلفة لإخراج إشارة الفيديو، والثاني يتم إجراؤه بواسطة الكمبيوتر ، باستخدام ما يسمى بحافة السكين أو هدف الحافة الحادة وخوارزمية ESF بوظيفة انتشار الحافة. نحن في مساندة نستخدم كلا التقنيتين بالكميات والدققة اللازمة.






Q & A

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.

Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.
Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section. Some Ansewr about the question asked in the Q & A Section.